Verdure in brodo Sweet Tamarind – Acidi verdura
4 coppe (1 litri) acqua
2 salam lascia (opzionale)
1 in (2 ½ cm) fresco galangal, contuso
1 fresh or frozen corn cob, cut into sections
2 coppe (180 g) foglie di tapioca, sweet potato leaves, spinach and melinko leaves (vedi nota)
1 coppa (100 g) green beans, cut into short lengths
2 a 3 verde dito di lunghezza peperoncini, deseeded and cut into short lengths (opzionale)
½ tazza (75 g) lightly boiled raw peanuts or fresh melinjo nuts
¼ tazza (60 ml) tamarind juice (see our sambals recipe) o 4 a 6 carambola (belimbing wuluh), affettato
½ tazza (125 g) small fresh shrimp, sgusciati e puliti (opzionale)
1 pomodoro maturo, tagliare a spicchi
2 tablespoons sugar
½ cucchiaino di sale
Spice Incolla
2 a 4 finger-length chilies, senza semi
4 scalogni, pelato
3 cloves salt
Cooking Direzioni:
- Rendere il Incolla Spice dalla macinazione di tutti gli ingredienti per una pasta liscia in un mortaio o frullatore, adding a little water if necessary to keep the mixture turning. Set a aside.
- Bring the water to a boil over medium heat in a large saucepan. Add the Spice Paste salam leaves (if using) and galangal, mix well and bring to aboil again, poi sobbollire scoperto per 2 minutes. Add the corn and boil for 2 più minuti, then add the vegetables, chili (if using) peanuts and tamarind juice or carambola. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer until the vegetables are tender, 3 to 5 minutes. Finally add the shrimp, tomato and sugar, and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes until the shrimp turn pink. Insaporite con il sale e togliere dal fuoco. Serve hot as part of rice-based meal.