Green Mango Sambal

Green Mango Sambal


1 unripe mango (circa 8 oz/250 g), peeled and pitted, flesh finely diced

1 cucchiaino di sale

1 red dito di lunghezza peperoncino, senza semi

5 scalogni, pelato

½ cucchiaino di pasta di gamberetti secchi (Trasi), secco tostato

1 spring Asian basil, tritato

2 cucchiai di olio


  1. Sprinkle the mango with the salt, mix well and set aside for 10 a 15 minutes in a colander to drain. Place the mango in dry cloth and squeeze out as much liquid as you can

Grind the chili, shallots and dried shrimp paste to a smooth paste in amortar or blender, adding a little oil to keep the mixture turning. Add the basil and oil to the ground mixture and mix well, then adds this mixture to the mango and toss lightly. Serve immedietly.

fonte: prodotti alimentari ricette autentiche dall'Indonesia, Heinz von Helzen


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