Makassarese costoletta di maiale Zuppa (Konro Napier)

Makassarese costoletta di maiale Zuppa (Konro Napier)

The Makassarese of Southern Sulawesi are renowned for their hearty beef soups with lemongrass and coconut.


2 lbs (1 kg) meaty beef spareribs, ribs separated and cut into lengths

3 coppe (300 kg) noce di cocco fresco grattugiato

Or 3 coppe (240 g) senza zucchero cocco essiccato

16 coppe (4 litri) acqua

3 stalks lemongrass, fondo di spessore solo terzo, strati esterni scartati, parte interna contuso

1 in (2 ½ cm) fresco galangal, pelate e affettate

3 foglie di kaffir lime

1 teaspoon ground white pepper

1 cucchiaino di sale

Crisphy Fried Shallots (see our sambals) per guarnire

Spice Incolla:

3 candlenuts, tritate grossolanamente

4 scalogni, pelato

2 spicchi d'aglio, pelato

Cooking directions:

  1. Prepare the Crispy Fried Shallots by the recipe (see our sambals)
  2. Separate the beef ribs and cut into lengths. Accantonare
  3. A secco in padella la noce di cocco grattugiato in una padella a fuoco basso, stirring constanly until it turns golden brown, circa 10 minutes for fresh coconut and 5 a 7 minutes for desiccated coconut. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. While still warm, grind the coconut in a mortar or blender until fine. Accantonare.
  4. Prepare the Spice Paste by grinding all the ingredients to a smooth paste in a mortar or blender, adding a little water if necessary to keep the mixture turning. Accantonare.
  5. Bring the beef and water to aboil in a large pot and simmer uncovered over medium heat until the beef is tender, 30 a 40 minuti. Add the ground coconut, Spice Paste and all the remaining ingredients (except the Crispy Fried Shallots), mix well and continue to simmer for 15 più minuti, until the beef is very tender, but not falling off the bones. Remove from the heat and serve garnished with the Crispy Fried Shallots.


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