Fetta di manzo fritto condito (Lapis Manado)

Fetta di manzo fritto condito – Lapis Manado

As the Indonesian name of this dish implies, it comes from Manado in Northen Sulawesi


1 ½ lbs (700 g) sirloin beef

3 chiodi di garofano

¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg or ground nutmeg

1 cucchiaino di sale

2 coppe (500 ml) acqua

Olio, da frittura

Spice Incolla

6 a 8 finger-length chilies, senza semi

1 in (2 ½  cm) fresh kencur root, pelate e affettate

1 in (2 ½  cm) curcuma fresca, pelate e affettate, o 1 teaspoon ground turmeric

1 in ( 2 ½ cm) zenzero fresco, pelate e affettate

2 cucchiaino di semi di coriandolo, o 1 teaspoon ground coriander

1 teaspoon ground white pepper

Cooking Direzioni:

  1. Prepare the Spice Paste by grinding all the ingredients to a smooth paste in a mortar or blender, adding a little water if necessary to keep the mixture turning
  2. Heat 1 table spoon of the oil in a wok over medium heat and stir-fry the Spice Paste until fragrant, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the beefnutmeg, alt and water and bring to aboil, poi sobbollire scoperto per 3 to 5 minutes, until the beef is half cooked. Remove the from pan and continue to simmer the stock for 5 more minutes until it thickens, then turn off the heat. Slice the beef into thin strips
  3. Heat the oil a wok high heat until hot. Deep-fry the beef strips for 2 a 3 minutes until browned and cooked. Removed from the hot oil and drain on paper towels. Aarange the beef on a serving platter and pour  the gravy over it. Serve immediately.

Fonte: Authentic Food Recipes from Indonesia, Heinz Von Helzen and Lother Arsana


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