Karedok prime vegetali Insalata con Sugar Palm Dressing

Karedok prime vegetali Insalata con Sugar Palm Dressing

The Sundanese of west java are renowned for their love of vegetables, both raw and cooked, and often eat them as between-meal snacks. Serve Karedok with rice as part of main meal.


¼ head round cabbage

1 piccolo cetriolo

2 coppe (100 g) bean sprouts, seed coats and tail discarded

1 slender Asian eggplant, fette sottili

1 coppa (100 g) thinly sliced green beans

2 tablespoons Crispy Fried Shallots (vedere le nostre ricette sambal), per guarnire

Krupuk Shrimp crakers (vedere le nostre ricette sambal) per servire

Karedok Dressing:

1 in (2 ½ cm) fresh kencur root, pelate e affettate

3 a 4 red-dito lunghezza peperoncini, senza semi

3 spicchi d'aglio, peleed

3 tablespons shaved palm sugar or dark brown sugar

½ cucchiaino di pasta di gamberetti secchi (traccia), secco tostato

2 cucchiai di succo di tamarindo (see our recipes sambal)

2 cucchiai di acqua calda

1 cucchiaino di sale

Cooking Direzioni:

  1. Prepare the Crispy Fried Shallots by following the recipe on sambal categories
  2. To make Karedok Dressing grind all the ingredients to a smooth paste in a mortar or blender. Accantonare
  3. Separate the cabbage leaves, rinse well and shake dry, then slice them wise and slice the quarters across very thinly. Place in the bowl with the cabbage. Rinse and drain the bean sprouts and place in the bowl. Add the eggplant and green beans
  4. Pour the dressing over the vegetables and toss well. Garnish with Crispy Fried Shallots and serve with krupuk.

fonte: Ricette autentiche da indonesiano, Heinz von Holzen e Arsana Lother


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