Riso e Spice – Il nostro Ulam
Riso a chicco lungo | 400 g (2 coppe) |
Cipolla | 1, small, pelate e tritate |
Aglio | 2 chiodi di garofano, pelate e tritate |
Vegetable oil | 2 Cucchiai |
Curmin (jintan) | Un pizzico, terra |
Coriandolo (ketumbar) | 1 cucchiaino, terra |
Red Chilli | ½ , schiacciato |
Lemon Grass (citronella) | ½ cucchiaino, terra |
Sale | 2 cucchiaino |
Kaffir lime leaves (foglie di kaffir lime) | 2 |
Gamberi secchi (gamberetto) pasta (terrazza) | 1 pisello di dimensioni pezzo |
Latte di cocco | 625 ml (2 ½ tazza), spremuto da 1 di cocco grattugiato con l'acqua sufficiente aggiunto |
- Wash rice twice, drain and set aside
- Sauté chopped onion and garlic in oil. Add cumin, coriandolo, crushed red chili, lemon grass and salt. Stir well
- Add rice and stir continuously until thoroughly mixed with spicy ingredients. Add lime leaves and dried prawn paste
- Add coconut milk and bring to the boil, allowing to simmer until all liquid is absorbed. Then, cover, reduce heat and cook for 15 più minuti
- The dish may be garnished with fried onion, peeled and sliced cucumber, an egg omelette cut into strips, or a handful of fried peanuts.
fonte: The Complete indonesiano Cook Libro, Agnes de Keijzer Brackman e Cathay Brackman