餅 (バナナライス長官は葉)

餅 – バナナライス長官は葉


長粒米 400 gの (2 カップ)
Banana leaves
Bamboo toothicks or cocktail sticks
2,5 litres (10 カップ / 4 pints)


  1. Wash rice twice and drain. Portion and place onto banana leaves, その後、安全な楕円形のパケットに倍とつまようじで固定
  2. にバナナリーフパケットを沸かす 2.5 約のためのリットルの水 3 時間. It may be necessary to add more during this period.


長粒米 200 gの (1 カップ)
500 ミリリットル (2 カップ)
Banana leaves
Bamboo toothicks or cocktail sticks


  1. Wash rice twice, drain and transfer to a saucepan. Add water and boil rice until soft.
  2. Place onto banana leaves, roll into oblongs and fasten with toothpicks. Place into a pot and fill with 500 ml water. Boil for 1 時間の
  3. Leave to cool, slice and serve. Lontong is a good accompaniment for dishes like gado-gado or a sambal

(注): In The West or wherever banana leaves are hard to come by, use aluminium foil or corn husk as wrappers

元: The Complete Indonesian Cook Book, アグネスデKeijzerブラックマンとキャセイブラックマン





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