Pesce alla griglia Basilico e Pomodoro Sambal - Ikan Colo Colo Bakar
Fish, grilled plain or wrapped in banana leaves, is very popular on the eastern Indonesian island of Sulawesi and Maluku. This recipe from Maluku is very simple-flavored with a typical Colo Colo Sambal
21 whole fresh fish (circa 2 lbs/ 1kg), o 1 ½ lb (700 g) fish steaks
½ cucchiaino di sale
1 tablespon freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice
2 cucchiaio di olio
1 large banana leaf or aluminium foil, per il confezionamento
Colo Colo Sambal
3 a 4 red finger-length chilies or bird’s eye chilies, senza semi e affettato
4 scalogni, pelate e affettate
2 ripe tomatoes, tagliato a dadini
4 spring Asian basil, tritato
4 tablespoons sweet Indonesian soy sauce (salsa di soia)
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice
Cooking Direzioni:
- If using whole fish, scale, gut and clean the fish, then make several shallow diagonal slits on each side. Season the fish with the salt and lime or lemon juice, then brush it with the oil. Set aside for 15 minuti
- Make the Colo Colo Sambal by combining all the ingredients in abowl and mixing well
- Scald the banana leaf in a basin by pouring boiling water over it, then wipe it dry. Wrap the seasoned fish in the banana leaf or aluminium foil. Cook the parcedirtly over hot charcoal or under a preheated broiler until the banana leaf is evenly browned and the fish is done, 10 a 15 minutes on each side.
Wrap the fish parcel and spoon the sambal over it. Serve immediately. Alternatively serve the Colo Colo Sambal in a small bowl on the side.
Fonte: Ricette autentiche Da Indonesia, Heinz van Helzen and Lother Arsana