Los huevos picantes - Huevo frito Sambal
Huevos | 5, hard-boiled, shelled and helved |
Peanut Oil | 2 Tbsp |
Cebolla | 1, medio, pelados y picados |
Ajo | 2 clavos, pelados y picados |
Candlenut (kemiri) | 1, grated |
Galangal (Laos) | 1 cucharadita |
Sambal oelek | 1 cucharadita |
Sal | 1 cucharadita |
Brown sugar | ½ cucharadita |
Salam leaf (Daun Salam) | 1 |
Leche de coco | 250 ml (1 taza), squeezed from ½ grated coconut with sufficient water added |
- Arrange egg halves on a serving dish. Dejar de lado
- Heat oil in a saucepan. Sautè onion, garlic, candlenut, galangal, sambal oelek and salt. Be cautious to avoid burning
- Add brown sugar, salam leaf and coconut milk. Llevar a ebullición, then simmer for 10 minutos
- Pour mixture over hard-boiled eggs and serve. Alternativamente, lower eggs into the spice mixture and heat together for a few minutes befor serving.
fuente: El libro completo de cocina de Indonesia, Agnes de Brackman Keijzer y Brackman Cathay