Gemüse in süß Tamarind Broth – Pflanzensäuren
4 Tassen (1 Liter) Wasser
2 salam Blätter (optional)
1 in (2 ½ cm) frische Galgant, zerschlagen
1 fresh or frozen corn cob, cut into sections
2 Tassen (180 g) tapioca leaves, sweet potato leaves, spinach and melinko leaves (siehe Hinweis)
1 Tasse (100 g) grüne Bohnen, Schnitt in kurzen Längen
2 auf 3 grüne Finger-Länge Chilis, deseeded and cut into short lengths (optional)
½ Tasse (75 g) lightly boiled raw peanuts or fresh melinjo nuts
¼ Tasse (60 ml) Tamarindensaft (see our sambals recipe) oder 4 auf 6 carambola (belimbing wuluh), in Scheiben geschnitten
½ Tasse (125 g) small fresh shrimp, geschält und entdärmt (optional)
1 ripe tomato, Schnitt in Keile
2 tablespoons sugar
½ Teelöffel Salz
2 auf 4 finger-length chilies, entkernt
4 Schalotten, geschält
3 cloves salt
Cooking Anfahrt:
- Sprechen Sie die Würzpaste durch Schleifen alle Zutaten zu einer glatten Paste in einem Mörser oder Mixer, Zugabe von wenig Wasser, wenn notwendig, damit die Mischung Drehen. Set a aside.
- Bring the water to a boil over medium heat in a large saucepan. Add the Spice Paste salam leaves (if using) and galangal, mix well and bring to aboil again, then simmer uncovered for 2 minutes. Add the corn and boil for 2 mehr Minuten, then add the vegetables, chili (if using) peanuts and tamarind juice or carambola. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer until the vegetables are tender, 3 to 5 minutes. Finally add the shrimp, tomato and sugar, and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes until the shrimp turn pink. Season with the salt and remove from the heat. Serve hot as part of rice-based meal.
Hinweis: In Asien, the tender leaves of many vegetable plants are cooked as vegetables. Tapioca leaves, sweet potato leaves and melinjo leaves are readily available in Indonesia. Substitute water spinach (kangkung, or regular spinach or bok choy.
source: Quelle: Authentische Rezepte aus Indonesien, Heinz Von Holzen and Lother Arsana
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