Babi Guling (Spit-roasted pig, Bali Style)


Suckling pig: 1, about 4,5 kg (10 lb)
Onion : 1 , large, peeled and finely chopped
Garlic:  2 cloves, peeled and finely chopped
Cloves (cengkeh) 3 whole
Ginger: 1 tsp, ground
Coriander (Ketumbar) : 1 tsp, ground
Red Chili : ½, crushed
Salam Leaves (daun salam) : 2
Turmeric (Kunyit) : 4 tsp, ground
Salt : 3 Tbsp
Coconut milk : 250 ml (1 cup), Squeezed from 1  grated coconut with sufficient water added
Coconut : 2 Tbsp, desiccated or freshly grated


  1. Wash pig thoroughly in cool water in preparation for stuffing set aside
  2. Mix together onion, garlic, cloves, ginger, coriander, chili and salam leaves, then, add 2 tsp  turmeric and 1 1/2  Tbsp salt
  3. Stuff pig with above mixture, rubbing interior thoroughly. Sew up cavity.
  4. Separately mix together remaining turmeric and salt and rub onto pig’s skin
  5. Skewer pig and roast over red-hot, smokeless charcoal fire. Rotate constantly. Brush pig occasionally with coconut milk mixed with desccated or freshly grated coconut. Cook for approximately 4 hours until meat is tender and skin crisp.

Source: The complete Indonesian cookbook; Agnes de Keijzer Brackman & Cathay Brackman

LELAWAR BALI (Shredded Spicy Pork)

Boneles Pork : 450 g (1 lb)
Onion : 1, small, peeled and finely chopped
Garlic : 2 cloves, peeled and finely chopped
Cumin (jinten): ½ tsp, ground
Coriander (ketumbar): 1 tsp, ground
Galangal (laos): 1 tsp, ground
Salt: 1 tsp
Vegetable oil : 1 Tbsp
Red chili : 1, sliced either diagonally or into strips
Salam leaf (daun salam) : 1
Coconut milk : 250 ml ( 1cup), squeezed from ½ grated coconut with sufficient water added
Tamarind (Asam Jawa) juice : 1 Tbsp


  1. Cut pork into thin strips. Mix onion and garlic with pork. Then, rub pork with cumin, coriander, galangal and salt. Set aside
  2. Heat oil in frying pan (skillet) and add pork. Sauté for several minutes
  3. Add chili, salam leaf and coconut milk. Simmer, uncovered until meat is very tender. Then, add tamarind juice. Serve

Source: The complete Indonesian cookbook; Agnes de Keijzer Brackman & Cathay Brackman
