Spicy Padang-style Eggs – Gulai Telur


8 eggs

2 cups (500 ml) thick coconut  milk

½ turmeric leaf, shredded  (optional)

1 tablespoon tamarind juice (see our sambal recipe)

½ teaspoon salt

Crispy Fried Shallots (see our sambal ), to garnis (optional)

Spice Paste

1 in (2 ½  cm) fresh galangal, peeled and sliced

½ in (1 cm) fresh turmeric, peeled and sliced, or ½ teaspoon ground turmeric

1 in (2 ½  cm) fresh ginger, peeled and sliced

2 to 4 bird’s-eye chilies, deseeded

5 shallots, peeled

3  cloves garlic, peeled

Cooking Direction:

  1. Prepare the Crispy Fried Shallots (if using) by following the recipe on sambal categories
  2. Boil the eggs for 7 to 8 minutes until hard,  then drain plunge into a basin of cold water to cool. Peel the eggs and set aside.
  3. Prepare the Spice Paste by grinding all the ingredients coarsely in a mortar or blender and adding a little coconut milk if necessary to keep the mixture turning. Set aside.
  4. Bring the coconut milk slowly to aboil in a wok or saucepan. Add the Spice paste and turmeric leaf (if  using),  mix well and simmer for 2 minutes. Reduce the heat to low, add the eggs and continue to simmer  uncovered until the sauce thickens, 8 to 10 minutes. Season  with the tamarind juice and salt, simmer for 1 more minute and remove from the heat. Serve hot garnished with Crispy Fried Shallots.

source: Authentic Recipes from Indonesian, Heinz von Holzen and Lother Arsana

Related posts:

  1. Eggs in Fragrant Lemongrass Sauce – Telur Petis
  2. Stewed Pineapple with Coconut and Indonesian Spices – Gulai Nanas
  3. Vegetables with Spicy Coconut Sauce
  4. Fern Tips or Asparagus in Coconut Gravy – Gulai Daun Pakis
  5. Tempeh Stewed in Coconut Milk and Spices – Gulai Tempeh

One Response to Spicy Padang-style Eggs – Gulai Telur

  • mito says:

    i like padang spices

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