Basic Sambal Seasoning Recipe

A quick, convenient way to accomplish the myriad dishes that go to make up an Indonesian meal. If you like hot food, you will find it useful to make up a quantity of this base, which you can cook and keep bottled in the refrigerator ready to add to such varied ingredients as boiled or fried potatoes, breadfruit, yams or other starchy vegetables; hard-boiled eggs; bean curd cut in dice or strips and fried. There is just no end to the variations on this theme.

Ingredients :

15-20 Large dried chilies
3 Large onions, roughly chopped
8 cloves Garlic
2 teaspoons Dried shrimp paste
1/2 cup Peanut oil, or more as required
1 cup Tamarind liquid
3 teaspoons Salt
2 tablespoon Palm sugar or substitute

Method :

  • Soak chilies in hot water for 20 minutes.
  • In container of electric blender, grind the chilies, onions, garlic and dried shrimp paste, with enough oil to help the blades draw down the solid ingredients.
  • It may be necessary to use more than half the oil, depending on the size and shape of the blender.
  • When blended to a smooth paste, heat remaining oil in a wok or frying pan and when hot, put in the blended ingredients.
  • Fry over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is cooked and dark in color and oil separates and shows around edges.
  • Wash out blender container with the tamarind liquid, add to pan with salt and sugar and simmer for a few minutes longer, stirring.
  • Cool completely and bottle.
  • Store in refrigerator (If mixture had been cooked in a wok, turn it into a glass or earthenware bowl to cool).

To use : Heat the required amount (approximately 1 tablespoon to 250g of the main ingredient) and stir fry the already cooked main ingredient in it briefly. If a gravy is required, add 1/2-1 cup thick coconut milk and heat to simmering point, stirring constantly.



Related posts:

  1. Balinese Style Fish Recipe
  2. Baked Lemon Chicken Recipe
  3. Baked Fish Recipe – Ikan Bandeng
  4. Indonesian Fried Rice

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