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- Avocado Smoothies – Es Apokat
- Baked Fish Recipe (IKAN BANDENG)
- Baked Lemon Chicken Recipe
- Balinese Black Rice Pudding – Bubur Injin
- Balinese Spicy Fish Recipe
- Balinese Style Fish Recipe
- Banana Fritters
- Beef Soup with Chilies and Tamarind (Daging Balacan)
- Beef with Coconut (Hagape Daging)
- Chicken and Rice (Nasi Ayam)
- Chili Dip for Soto (Sambal Soto)
- Chili Sauce with Shrimp Paste (Sambal Terasi)
- Classic Nasi Goreng (Indonesian Fried Rice)
- Coconut Cake – Pancong
- Corn Rice (Nasi Jagung)
- Crispy Peanut Wafers (Rempeyek Kacang)
- Crispy Fried Shallots or Fried Garlic
- Cucumber Pickles
- Curried Eggs – Telur Kari
- Diced Water Chestnut or Jicama Sambal
- Dried Shrimp and Vegetable and Vegetable Sambal
- Eggplant in Tamarind Broth – Asam Terong
- Eggs in Fragrant Lemongrass Sauce – Telur Petis
- Fern Tips or Asparagus in Coconut Gravy – Gulai Daun Pakis
- Festive Tumeric Rice (Nasi Kuning)
- Fragrant Beef Satay – Sate Sapi
- Fragrant Fried Fish Cakes – Otak Otak Pipih
- Fragrant Rice and Chicken (Nasi Kebuli)
- Fresh Tuna and Green Mango Salad – Sambal Tappa
- Fried Bananas – Pisang Goreng
- Fried Rice
- Fried Rice Indonesian Style (Nasi Goreng)
- Friend Fish with Tomato Sambal – Ikan Bumbu Acar
- Fruit in Coconut Milk – Es Kolak
- Gado Gado (Tofu and Vegetable Salad with Peanuts Dressing)
- General
- Glutinous Rice Cakes with Palm Sugar – Wajik
- Green Mango Sambal
- Grilled Fish Basil and Tomato Sambal – Ikan Bakar Colo Colo
- Karedok Raw Vegetable Salad with Palm Sugar Dressing
- Lamb Satay (Sate Madura)
- Lemongrass Tamarind Fish – Arsin Ikan Mas
- Lobster in Yellow Sauce – Udang Pantung Kuning
- Lombok Style Marinated Beef Satay (Sate Ampet Sasak)
- Lontong (Rice in Banana Leaves)
- Lotek – Stearmed Vegetables with Peanut Dressing
- Makassarese Sparerib Soup (Konro Makasar)
- Marinated Shrimp
- Martabak – Pancakes with Curried Meat Filling
- Menadonese Ginger Pork (Tinaransay)
- Mixed Shaved Ice Dessert – Es Campur
- Mixed Vegetable Pickles
- Omelette Java – Dadar Jawa
- Omelette Tegal – Dadar Tegal
- Peanut Sambal with Tamarind
- Peanut Sauce for Satay
- Pickled Green Chilies
- Pickled Shallots
- Plain White Rice (Nasi Putih)
- Pork Stewed with Tomatoes (Babi Masak Tomat)
- Prawn Omelette – Dadar Udang
- Rice and Spice (Nasi Ulam)
- Rice with Chicken and Pineapple (Nasi Kebuli)
- Salted Egg – Telur Asin
- sambal curry
- Sambal Goreng Tempeh – Sweet and Spicy Fried Tempeh
- Sambal Rujak
- Seasoned Fish Grilled in Banana Leaves – Pepes Ikan
- Seasoned Fried Beef Slice (Lapis Manado)
- Seasoned Rice with Chicken and Pineapple (Nasi Kebuli)
- Shallot Samball
- Shrimp in Hot Coconut Sauce – Sambal Petai Udang
- Simple Omelette – Telur Dadar
- Spiced Coconut with Peanuts (Serundeng)
- Spiced Eggs – Sambal Goreng Telur
- Spicey Beef in Coconut (Beef Rendang)
- Spicy Padang-style Eggs – Gulai Telur
- Spicy Pickles with Basil
- Stearned Banana Cakes Kue Nagasari
- Stewed Pineapple with Coconut and Indonesian Spices – Gulai Nanas
- Sweet Coconut Pancakes – Dadar
- Sweet Rice Flour Porridge – Bubur Sumsum
- Sweet Sago Rolls with Palm Sugar Syrup – Ongol-ongol
- Sweet Soy Sauce Sambal (Sambal Kecap)
- Tempeh Stewed in Coconut Milk and Spices – Gulai Tempeh
- Vegetables in Sweet Tamarind Broth – Sayur Asam
- Vegetables with Spicy Coconut Sauce
- Water Spinach with Coconut and Spicy Dressing – Pelecing Kangkung
- Yello Bean Sauce Sambal (Sambal Tauco)
- Yellow Rice (Nasi Kuning)