Di manzo con noce di cocco – Carne Hagape

A coconut-rich beef dish from ambon, in the Spice Island of Maluku, Which unlike similar dishes from Java and Sumatra has no chili, sugar and soy sauce, nevertheless, the combination of coconut with galangal, lemongrass, turmeric and ginger gives this dish a wonderfully complete aroma and flavor.


2 lbs (1 Kg) top round or stewing beef

1 cup (100 g) freshly grated coconut or 1 cup (80 g) senza zucchero cocco essiccato

2 cucchiaio di olio

2 ½ tazza (675 ml) latte di cocco denso

1 gambo di citronella, fondo di spessore solo terzo, strati esterni scartati, parte interna contuso

Spice Incolla

6 candlenuts, tritate grossolanamente

2 in (5 centimetri) fresco galangal, pelate e affettate

3 in (8 centimetri) curcuma fresca, pelate e affettate, o 1 tablespoon ground turmeric

3 in (8 centimetri) zenzero fresco, pelate e affettate

½ teaspoon coriander seeds

½ cucchiaino di pepe bianco

1 cucchiaino di sale

Cooking Direzione:

  1. Slice the beef into bite-sized
  2. Dry-fry the grated coconut or desiccated coconut in a skillet over low heat until golden brown, stirring frequently, circa 10 minutes for fresh grated coconut or 5 a 8 minutes for desiccated coconut. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. While still warm, grind the coconut in a mortar or blender until fine. Accantonare
  3. Prepare the Spice Paste by grinding all the ingredients to a smooth paste in a mortar or blender, aggiungendo un poco d'olio, se necessario, per mantenere la miscela di svolta. Accantonare.
  4. Heat the oil in awok over medium heat and stir-fry the Spice Paste until fragrant, 3 a 5 minutes. Add the beef, ground coconut, coconut milk and lemongrass, mix well and bring to a boil, then simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent the coconut milk from separating. Reduce the heat to low and continue to simmer uncovered, mescolando di tanto in tanto, until the beef is tender and the sauce has almost dried up, circa 30 minutes. Add a little water if the sauce dries up before the meat is cooked. Removed from the heat.
  5. Transfer to a serving platter and serve hot with steamed rice.

Fonte: Authentic Food Recipes from Indonesia, Heinz Von Helzen and Lother Arsana

Related posts:

  1. Manzo piccante a Coconut – Manzo rendang
  2. Brodo di manzo con peperoncino e Tamarind – Carne Balacan
  3. Fetta di manzo fritto condito – Lapis Manado
  4. Stile di manzo marinato Lombok Satay – Sate Ampet Sasak
  5. Festive Rice Tumeric (Il nostro Kuning)

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